Chinese Drama



Inborn Pair / 真愛找麻煩

  • 宥 勝 / 陳庭妮
  • Chris Wang / Annie Chen
  • Length:60 mins
  • Eps: 84
  • Language: Mandarin


王宥勝、陳庭妮、李至正、洪小鈴、謝坤達、郭雪芙 領銜主演



This is a story about true love found after finding fault with each other.

The hero, Ke, Wei-shiang, the president of a business group, is a man with patience, stamina and ideals. He is always self-demanding and is never afraid of all the hassles.

The heroin, Sung. Yi-jie, a law-firm assistant, is a straightforward, stubborn person with a very strong sense of justice. This right-minded girl can not wait to reach out when people are being treated unfairly no matter how frightening the circumstances might be.

They are married by an almost extinct tradition--- being engaged to each other when they are still in their mothers' wombs. This very unusual way of marriage is followed by a life of finding fault with each other.

Surprisingly, the love is growing out of the fault-finding which goes on day after day. They find their hearts opening up in this fake marriage. All of a sudden, Dong-yang, Yi-jie's senior schoolmate shows up…just to complicate this romance which is running out of control as a few more persons are involved. The turmoil in the marriage is getting stronger......


柯偉翔,威海集團總經理,超有耐心、毅力、有理想,總愛自我要求,不怕麻煩的人。 宋奕婕,法律事務所助理,正義感強烈,性格倔強而且直爽,路見不平,就迫不及待積極仗義助人,是個對任何情況都不畏縮的俠女。

他們為了一個古老失傳的文化傳統---指腹為婚!這荒誕的理由 ,開始了一段互相找麻煩的生活……





