Taiwan Best Drama



Way Back Into Love / 愛回來

  • 六月 / 亮 哲
  • June Tsai / Andy Liang
  • Length: 90 / 60 mins
  • Eps: 20+ / 30+
  • Language: Taiwanese


六月、龍劭華、張睿家、林鴻翔、嚴藝文、亮哲 領銜主演



"Way back into love" presents the taste and understanding of life by a traveler whom is heading home.

Purpose of travel is to go home because someone is waiting there for me.

Yang, Xiao-Qing is a woman returned to her hometown in Hyaline with a 5 years old girl. Because of her good study achievements in the past, she studied in city and went abroad to America after graduated from university. She went back to her hometown in her age of 30 to assist her father to run the privatzmme and met Liu, Bi-zhong, who was her order fellow student in elementary school. He helped her to solve the loan debt of the privatzmme, so she felt grateful. Gradually, they were getting closer, and only then she knew that Bi-zhong has adored her since puberty. She met Mo, Zhi-bin when constructing new buildings and quarreled with each other due to different opinions, but they got closer after they knew each other during house construction. Xiao-quing, Bi-zhong and Zhi-bin, they grew in different conditions with different philosophy, the love triangle among them caused various conflicts and events.





Length:90/ 60mins

Eps:22 / 33

