Trendy Dramas



The Fierce Wife / 犀利人妻

  • 溫昇豪 / 隋棠
  • Wen Sheng Hau / Suei Tang
  • Length: 60 mins
  • Eps: 30+
  • Language: Mandarin


溫昇豪、隋棠、朱芯儀、宥勝 領銜主演



Rei-Fan Wen and Jan Ang are a happy couple.

When Wen's father became quite sick 10 years ago, Wen got married with Jan Ang to "wash away the bad luck". After they got married, they have lived an unexpectedly happy life. She takes care of the home quite well so that Wen can concentrate on his career.

They take in her cousin, Wei-Ang Li, out of kindness, but Li has a romantic involvement with Wen. After Wen falls in love with Li, he becomes selfish and coldhearted and he intends to divorce Jan Ang to be with Li. Later, he does not get the promotion and he finds himself in a divorce lawsuit against Jan Ang. Wen feels like an underachiever in life in his middle age.

On the other side, when Jan Ang feels quite down, the emergence of Tien-Wei Lan rekindles her spirit and revitalizes her life. She is forced to make decisions in marriage and relation. Therefore, she comes to realize that marriage is no guarantee for the happiness in life.

Women, your strength makes you weak and your weakness in turn makes you strong. After we experience the sweetness of romance and the bitterness of betrayal, we nevertheless have to face the imperfection in our life and romance.



因好心收留表妹黎薇恩,卻演變成薇恩成為他們之間的第三者,愛上薇恩後,瑞凡性情變得自私、無情,並放棄原有幸福的婚姻,投向另外一個女人的懷抱。 升官失利,沒了工作還跟安真打離婚官司,中年事業家庭兩頭空。

當安真覺得人生沒有意義時,藍天蔚出現重新燃起了她生命的意義,安真在婚姻和親情之間面臨重大考驗,遇到這些事讓安真看到婚姻不是一輩子的幸福。 女人啊!總是因堅強而脆弱,因脆弱而更加堅強。經歷愛與背叛的衝突之後,我們終將面對生活甚或感情中的不完美。


Length:90/ 60mins

Eps:20+/ 30+

