Trendy Dramas



Easy Fortune Happy Life/ 福氣又安康

  • 藍正龍 / 陳喬恩
  • Lan Jeng Lung / Chen Chiao En
  • Length: 60 mins
  • Eps: 27
  • Language: Mandarin


藍正龍、邱澤、陳喬恩、王怡仁 領銜主演



A love story that crosses "time" and "conscience".

Although simple happiness is sufficient, it is usually not attainable. There is a kindhearted girl from mountain, who suddenly becomes "Fiancee of Thousand Millions" just because of an uncompleted love affair in previous life.

Mephistopheles (Demon), the embodiment of God, offered the conditions that as long as he could sell his conscience and true love to him, he could have the girl and countless fortune to complete endless great dreams.

Because of one car accident happened to the presidents of "Ba Bao Tong Pharmaceutical Group", Da Fong and Fu Ann encountered with each other, and it is the beginning of their affinity.

Da Fong, Yan – A thorough utilitarian, distinct love and hate clearly, active, confident and thinks highly of himself. He is like a leopard, never let go his target. His motto is, "There is no tomorrow for people without exertion, and the sacrifice of morality and conscience is also a kind of exertion."He is a man of ambition that utilizes everything and every measure to achieve his goal. When the demon like Da Fong encounters with angle like Fu Ann, his life will be rippled repeatedly.

Fu Ann, Xie – She is a gentle girl with expectation that everyone in the world could live happily and healthily. She inherited fatality from her grandmother, live happily but poorly with her family. After the death of her grandmother, her only life goal is to bring up her younger brother Pi Dan and rebuilt their burned down house. When she encounters with the demon like princes, could she recall his conscience with "true love"?





嚴大風-完全的功利主義者,愛恨分明,積極主動,自信也自負,像頭獵豹,一旦鎖定目標就緊咬不放,生平的座右銘是:「不努力的人不會有明天,犧牲道德良知也是一種努力!」,是個為達目的、不擇手段,什麼都可以利用的「野心家」, 當惡魔的他遇到了天使般的福安,將對他的生活掀起一波波的漣漪



Length:90/ 60mins

Eps:15+/ 23+

