Trendy Dramas



My MVP Valentine / MVP情人

  • 5566 / 張紹涵
  • 5566 / Chang Shao Han
  • Length: 60 mins
  • Eps: 28
  • Language: Mandarin


5566、顏行書、陳宇凡、張紹涵、陳喬恩、高天騏、李興文 領銜主演



To play the final game of the National Senior-High School Basketball Champion Touranment, Duan Chenfong jumped on his jumpo motorcycle and started racing to the stadium. All of a sudden, an elegant, graceful, but slender shadow of a girl appeared in sight. Duan Chenfong hit the brake at once, causing a shrieking sound from the wheels, but still could not avoid crashing into the girl…..

At the end of the first half, ICE MAN was informed that his sister, ANGEL, was injured in a car accident. Without hesitation, ICE MAN left the stadium immediately for the hospital. Duan Chenfong was therefore elected as the MVP of the year.

Shiou-hsie, the manager of Chihwei High School Basketball Team, got to know Taizy in a quarrel with Yinson Senior High School Basketball Team. Taizy, who was deeply fascinated by Shiou-hsie's personalities and her insistence on certain principles, decided to court her and therefore transferred to Chihwei High School. After his transferal, Taizy, a talented basketball player, deeply impressed "Number One Coach" Tong Chisen and succeeded in inviting Tong Chisen to join Chihwei High School, who in turn recruited many good players into the school. How should Tong Chisen do to save the school team from a break-up? Can he lead the team to conquer all the other competing teams to grasp the national championship?




